
So, in 2 days....

Bryan and I will know if we're having a boy or girl. Because I'm one of those people who just can't wait until the last minute....I decided (for both of us, hehe) that we would have the names ready when we found out the sex. I'm kind of tired of referring to the baby as "it" or "the baby" or, my favorite, "the alien". (only kidding!).

We decided on Gracelynn Kay (which has been the baby girl name from Day One) and James Wyatt for a boy, who will just be called Wyatt. We tried Wyatt James, but it just didn't seem to flow right with our last name. We also thought about Caleb James, but I wasn't 100% on that one. What we did was I made a list of boy names, and made Bryan pick eight of those. Well, he came back with seven....so I took two pieces of paper and wrote all seven names on each sheet. Then I gave him a sheet, kept the other one myself, and told him to cross out the four names he liked the least. I also crossed off mine. I ended up with 3 names....Brayden, Caleb, and Wyatt. Bryan ended up with Caleb, Jacob, and Wyatt. I told him to circle the two he liked the BEST....and I did the same. We both circled Caleb and Wyatt, which Bryan's mom found VERY interesting. Now suddenly I'm thinking it should be Caleb Wyatt instead of James Wyatt....LOL!

In two days, we'll know whether the search for a baby boy name was really necessary. whispers I think it's a girl, but we'll see......