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Wow. It's been almost a full month since my last post! There are suddenly babies all around. I found out yesterday that one of Bryan's co-workers (we've hung out with him and his wife numerous times) had her baby yesterday. She had a baby boy, that's all I know so far. Then they induced a co-worker of mine this morning, and she had a healthy baby boy @ 8 lbs, 2 oz. and I believe they named him Dalton Christopher. They were still deciding last I heard, so I'm not positive.

I go on April 21st to hear the baby's heartbeat via ultrasound, and I've been doing reading on something called "quickening" because my mother is telling me I've lost my mind. Apparently some women can feel movement as early as 9 weeks, and for the past several days I've had what feels like butterflies running loose in the lower left part of my stomach/abdomen. It only happens in the morning, and more often after I've eaten something. Still, mom thinks I need a CAT scan. What does she know anyway? Pffffft.

Nothing new to report other than that. We - meaning Bryan - wants a boy, but I think we're getting a girl. I told him last night I dreamt we had twins, and he was way excited until I told him it was 2 girls. "Oh GAWD!" were his exact words.

He makes fun of the fact that I have to get up in the middle of the night to pee. He's going to get what's coming to him. Just wait and see. Tee hee.